09 June 2012

McDonald's Big N' Tasty

McDonald's Big N' Tasty Burger has been trending yesterday, and for a good reason. It is new, it is only available for a limited time and it is very delicious. Before I add more, watch it's TV Commercial first. This will be launched tomorrow during the Pacquiao fight tv coverage. I want to thank McDo for giving me the opportunity to watch it earlier, and for allowing me to share it to you:

This morning, I went to the McDonald's blogger event at Makati Cinema Square. I was extremely excited because I have not tried Big N' Tasty yet. I got more excited after seeing the tables decorated with big stuff (big calculator, jumbo marker, etc.). The organizers did well in psyching us to the advent of something big and cool. Plus, they told us that we can bring the items home. How cool is that?

I arrived before the program started which was a relief because I slept quite late the night before (more of few hours before the event) so I woke up late. Good thing they served us iced coffee. Perfect timing! A few minutes after, fries and apple pie followed.

I like my coffee bitter, but the sweetness of their iced coffee is comforting. Hmm..I wonder what sweetener they are using.

 Spot me. :)

Before the big reveal, Grimace, Birdie and HamBurglar made an appearance. Everyone got excited. All of us stood and moved towards the front to take picture of these stars. Divine is the the one holding the Big N' Tasty burgers.

 Finally! I got hold of the famous Big N' Tasty. As the label states, the components of this burger are 100% pure beef patty, fresh tomato, crispy lettuce and onion, creamy cheese and a smokey sauce

This is hot the Big B' Tasty looks like. I am telling you, it is super yummy and delicious. The beef is juicy just the way i like it, while the medley of vegetables and creamy cheese create a wonderful texture. An oh! The sauce is smokey indeed. You'll know so right after opening the box. It reeks of smokey goodness!

 Getting ready to taste an overwhelming sensation of flavors and textures.

The photographer took a photo while I was taking my first bite.

Why don't you try it? See for yourself why the Big N' Tasty is generating so much buzz. Enjoy!